North Dakota Top Colleges and Universities: North Dakota State University, University of North Dakota, and Bismarck State College
North Dakota Top Industries: Agriculture, mining, and electrical power generation
North Dakota Top Employers: North Dakota State University, Altru Health System, and Sanford Children’s Hospital
Earning a doctorate degree online isn’t so much a choice as a necessity for some students, though many students simply want the flexibility and convenience an online degree provides. Thus, it is of little surprise that online education grew exponentially in recent years. Students can work while earning their online doctoral degree. They attend class and complete exams and assignments anywhere with an Internet connection. Additionally, they avoid traffic, on-campus fees, and the cost of living at or commuting to their school.
Initiatives like North Dakota’s participation in the Western Interstate Commission of Higher Education (WICHE) are what make online PhD programs in North Dakota possible. Through the WICHE, North Dakota participates in the Internet Course Exchange (ICE) program. The ICE program was implemented to supplement distance education programs in participating states by allowing students at schools that have cut or do not offer certain special interest courses to take distance courses from schools that do. Students then occupy under-enrolled programs in various states, thus keeping the programs in operation and gaining the education they need to complete their degrees.
Your Online PhD In North Dakota
North Dakota’s three largest employers include North Dakota State University, Altru Health System, and Sanford Children’s Hospital. The University of North Dakota (UND) offers accredited online PhD programs that fully prepare its residents for careers at these institutions. It offers online PhD programs in nursing which begin every fall and require the completion of 90 course credits. These programs may prepare students to work at Altru Health System, which includes multiple hospitals as well as more than 10 locations throughout the state. Graduates may also have the credentials to qualify for jobs at Sanford Children’s Hospital, a hospital with pediatric specialists that is themed to comfort children.
Additionally, UND has three online PhD programs in education. These programs enable students to concentrate in such areas as teacher education, higher education, or PK-12. The higher education emphasis may prepare graduates to enter into teaching positions at North Dakota State University (NDSU), which is one of the state’s largest employers. This university has nearly 15,000 students and employs more than 6,000 North Dakota residents. NDSU has an small student-to-faculty ratio; of the university’s 6,000 employees, more than 1,100 are faculty, permitting educators to have personal role in their students’ education.

PHD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Business Process Management, Faculty of Market Technologies IOM