Best Online Ph.D. Programs in Industrial Organizational Psychology

Industrial-organizational psychology is a field that requires continuous studies. If you are planning to fortify your knowledge and skills by getting a doctorate degree, you may want to consider doing it online.

An online Ph.D. in organizational psychology is an excellent option for people who want to take their expertise to a new level without tying their lifestyle to on-campus studies. The online option allows you to avoid disruptions to your lifestyle while getting all the knowledge and experience you expect from a doctorate degree.

Today, millions of people get their Ph.D. s online. Industrial organizational psychology students benefit from remote learning options and maximize their studying potential.

Top Reasons to Get Your Industrial Organizational Psychology Ph.D.  Online

In today’s fast-paced world, pursuing an industrial and organizational psychology Ph.D.  online offers numerous advantages for professionals. With the flexibility and convenience of online learning, you can achieve your academic goals while keeping your job and maintaining personal commitments.

Cut Traveling Costs

One of the significant benefits of online learning is the ability to attend classes from the comfort of your own home. By pursuing your Ph.D.  online, you can eliminate the need for costly travel associated with commuting to the campus.

You can avoid transportation expenses, parking fees, and meals on the go. You can plan to keep your traveling and food costs at the same level as you did before enrollment.

Avoid Relocation

Traditional Ph.D.  programs often require students to move to the city where the university of their choice is located. This usually involves uprooting your life and potentially disrupting your career.

However, by pursuing an online Ph.D.  in organizational psychology, you can avoid the need to relocate. You can continue living and working in your current location and maintaining stability in your professional life.

Customize Your Learning Process

Online studies allow you to tailor your learning process according to your individual needs and preferences.

With the ability to access course materials and lectures online, you have the freedom to study at your own pace. You can review content as needed and schedule consultations with faculty whenever it’s convenient.

This customization allows you to optimize your learning experience and focus on areas that require more attention. Meanwhile, you can save valuable time and take care of personal commitments.

Combine Work and Study

One of the most significant advantages of pursuing a doctorate degree online is the ability to balance work and study commitments.

Online programs provide the flexibility to schedule classes and coursework around your work schedule. This allows you to continue gaining professional experience while pursuing your degree. You get an opportunity to integrate theory and practice while streamlining your learning experience.

Improve Time Management Skills

Online learning requires self-discipline and effective time management skills. By pursuing your Ph.D. online, you have no choice but to work on your time management.

Balancing work, study, and personal life in a structured online learning environment enables you to become more organized. These time management skills are highly valued in the field of industrial-organizational psychology and will benefit you both academically and professionally.

Choose from a Wider Variety of Schools

When pursuing a Ph.D.  in industrial organizational psychology online, you have access to a wider variety of schools. Online learning allows you to choose from reputable institutions regardless of your geographical location.

This means you can select the program that best aligns with your academic and career goals instead of trying to find something close to home.

Downsides of Online Learning

While online learning offers numerous advantages, it is important to consider potential downsides. Some challenges of online learning include:

  • Limited face-to-face interaction with professors and peers
  • The need for self-motivation and discipline
  • Potential technical difficulties

To overcome these challenges, you need to learn how to seek support and maintain regular communication with instructors and fellow students. Meanwhile, you have to focus on honing your time management skills.

Industrial Organizational Psychology Careers

Obtaining a Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology can open up a wide range of rewarding career opportunities. This advanced degree equips individuals with the knowledge, skills, and expertise necessary to make a significant impact in various organizational settings.

Organizational Consultant

As an organizational consultant, individuals with a Ph.D. in industrial organizational psychology can work with companies to improve their overall performance by:

  • Assessing organizational structures
  • Providing guidance on leadership development
  • Conducting job analyses
  • Implementing strategies to enhance employee motivation and engagement

Overall, organizational consultants help companies achieve business goals and create a positive work environment.

Human Resources Manager

With a Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, you can choose a leadership role in human resources management. In this role, you can:

  • Contribute to the development and implementation of HR practices
  • Oversee recruitment and selection processes
  • Design and deliver training programs
  • Ensure compliance with employment laws

Qualified human resources managers foster a healthy and productive work environment while aligning HR strategies with organizational objectives.

Talent Management Specialist

Talent management specialists focus on helping employees improve their experience and contribute to the company’s success.  With the gained expertise in industrial and organizational psychology, you can design and implement talent management programs, such as:

  • Performance management
  • Succession planning
  • Career development initiatives

Talent management specialists are instrumental in attracting, retaining, and developing top talent.

Leadership Development Specialist

Leadership development programs cultivate effective and inspiring leaders. With an online Ph.D.  in industrial and organizational psychology, you can work closely with executives to enhance their leadership skills.

You can also design and deliver leadership training programs, provide coaching and feedback, and conduct research to identify effective leadership practices. Leadership development specialists play a pivotal role in shaping the future leaders of organizations.


Many individuals with an online Ph.D. in industrial and organizational psychology choose to pursue careers in academia or research. With this degree, you can work as a professor who conducts research and teaches courses.

Additionally, you can contribute to the field by conducting research studies that advance the understanding of organizational behavior, employee motivation, and other relevant topics.

Admission Requirements for Online Ph.D.  in Organizational Psychology

When considering an online Ph.D. in organizational psychology, you need to review the admission requirements set by the university of your choice. Always keep in mind that schools tend to be flexible about admissions requirements.

Don’t disregard a program simply because you don’t have a document or a score they ask for. Speak to the admissions committee and explain why you think you are a good fit for a program. If you are, they are likely to give you a chance.

One of the primary admission requirements for an online Ph.D.  is a master’s degree in Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychology or a closely related field.

The presence of such a degree shows that you are familiar with the principles and theories of I/O psychology. This can be necessary to achieve success in the doctorate program.

Some programs may accept applicants with a master’s degree in a different discipline, provided they have relevant coursework or experience in I/O psychology.

GPA of at Least 3.0 on Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree

The majority of schools ask the applicants to demonstrate a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher on their bachelor’s or master’s degree. This ensures that candidates have achieved academic excellence and have the ability to excel in rigorous doctoral-level coursework.

Some programs may consider applicants with a slightly lower GPA if they possess exceptional qualifications or relevant work experience.

Online Admissions Application and Relevant Fees

To apply for an online Ph.D.  in organizational psychology, you have to complete the institution’s online admissions application. This application provides essential information about your educational background, work experience, and career goals.

In most cases, you would need to pay an application fee. Within one university, this fee is likely to be the same for both inline and offline Ph.D. programs.

Letters of Recommendation

Applicants typically need to provide two to three letters of recommendation from individuals who can speak to their academic abilities, professional experience, and potential for success in the program.

These letters should come from professors, supervisors, or professionals familiar with your work in the field of psychology.

Resume or CV

A comprehensive resume or curriculum vitae (CV) outlines the applicant’s educational background, work experience, research experience, publications, presentations, and any relevant professional affiliations or certifications.

A well-structured resume or CV shows the applicant’s qualifications and makes it easier for the committee to make a choice.

Best Programs for Online Ph.D.  in Industrial-Organizational Psychology

These programs can become a great fit for your plans that involve getting an online Ph.D.  in industrial and organizational psychology.

Capella University

Located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Capella University has a strong Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology program that focuses on industrial-organizational psychology. The basic admission requirements include:

  • A master’s degree from an accredited university (both local and international)
  • Master’s transcripts with at least a 3.0 GPA.

The required courses in this program include psychology, principals of industrial and organizational psychology, world analysis and selection, and psychology of motivation and performance.

The school is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Adler University

Located in Chicago, Illinois, Adler University has an exciting online Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychology program. Admission requirements include:

  • A master’s degree from an accredited university
  • Bachelor’s and Master’s transcripts with at least a 3.0 GPA.

The program takes four years to complete and includes such required courses as advanced organizational development and change, job and task analysis, and advanced human factors.

The school is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, the American Psychological Association Commission on Accreditation (APA-CoA), and the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP).

National University

Located in California, National University offers an excellent opportunity to earn a 100% online Ph.D.  in Industrial Organizational Psychology. Admission requirements include:

  • A master’s degree from an accredited university
  • Bachelor’s and Master’s transcripts with at least a 2.5 GPA.

The program takes 46 months to complete and includes such courses as research methods, tests and measurements in i/o psychology, scholarly writing and professional communication in psychology, and many specialization options to choose from.

The school is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC).

The Chicago School

Located in Chicago, Illinois, The Chicago School offers a robust online Ph.D.  program in industrial and organizational psychology. The admissions requirements include:

  • A bachelor’s or master’s degree from an accredited university
  • Bachelor’s and Master’s transcripts with at least a 3.0 GPA.
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Resume or CV
  • Admissions interview

If you have a master’s degree, the program can take 3 years to complete. With a bachelor’s degree, the program will take 5 years to finish.

The school is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC).

Liberty University

Located in Lynchburg, VA, Liberty University has an excellent online Ph.D.  program in i/o psychology[SS1] . The admission requirements include:

  • A bachelor’s or master’s degree from an accredited university
  • Bachelor’s and Master’s transcripts with at least a 3.0 GPA.

The program takes around three years to complete and offers such courses as organizational behavior and development, psychological research, and many more.

The school is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I pursue an online Ph.D.  in Industrial-Organizational Psychology if my previous degree is in a different field?
Yes, many online Ph.D.  programs in Industrial and Organizational Psychology accept applicants with a bachelor’s or master’s degree in a different field. However, you would need to demonstrate relevant coursework or experience in psychology.
How long does it take to complete an online Ph.D.  in Industrial Organizational Psychology?
The duration of an online Ph.D.  program in Industrial and Organizational Psychology can vary depending on factors such as program structure, course load, and individual progress. On average, it may take around 4 to 6 years to complete the program.
What career opportunities are available with an online Ph.D.  in Industrial Organizational Psychology?
An online Ph.D.  in Industrial and Organizational Psychology opens up various career opportunities, including organizational consultant, human resources manager, talent management specialist, leadership development specialist, or researcher. These positions can be found across multiple industries.